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A film that inspires me – Monsoon Wedding

“Which films/ filmmakers have inspired you?” This is a common question that I rarely get to answer properly. I was recently asked this question as the base for an entire interview. Though we had to limit it to one representational film, I was happy to have an opportunity to discuss whys and hows of it.  Sharing the article by Anna MM Vetticad published in MAXIM, August 15 edition. Hope you enjoy it. 🙂


Comments: 13

  • AjmalEsmail October 3, 201512:40 pm

    Nice madam

  • Nijil Narayanan October 3, 20154:21 pm

    If Altman is a handshake, Monsoon wedding is a big hug… BIG TIME !!!

  • Madhavankutty October 4, 20151:53 pm

    I like the quality in you so I like your picture also.

  • Sooraj October 4, 20155:48 pm

    Hi…I always took it for granted that you were inspired by the likes of Attenborough as a director (not sure if you have watched Shadowlands) or Michel Gondry from a Screenplay perspective…. and Padmarajan..

    BTW I am a big fan (since Manjadikkuru)…. always read your blog…. I even blogged about one of your movies recently…. http://www.thotgun.blogspot.ae/ (here is the link)… If you do find time to read it…. Let me know your thoughts…….. Always wanted to get into something creative…….(might see me at your door step once day 😉 ) Scritpting a movie is in my bucket list…. But right now busy making a mark as a corporate Deutsche in Dubai…..

      • Sooraj October 5, 20157:40 pm

        Thank you for reading it…….. 🙂

  • abey2015 October 8, 20156:29 am

    Hi Dear Anjali, why now a days all films are big budgeted? who is benefiting? who is the looser?In big budget public is loosing,and government too.how many are paying the proper account and tax? every where where the public is cheated. If pay tax our leaders will steal .If you spend more money on film you have to extract or squeeze the public. . what message a film conveys?A visual media to convey some thing to the benefit or growth of the nation. . Not cheat or not to be cheated . Produce some thing meaningful and get our new generation to love (not on net and cheat) respect .Film and celebs are doing the marketings. Do not spoil the new generation.. God may bless us all. jai hind my hind

  • Naiju October 14, 20153:27 am

    You are truly one of the most gifted directors madam!!!!

  • Gopinath Menon October 19, 20156:22 pm

    Hi Anjali

    When is your next directorial project going to start. Bangalore days was a real class. Hope to see more from your stable.

  • Malavika Hnair October 30, 20155:27 pm

    rock on

  • Amal Justinjoy November 11, 20156:29 pm

    hi, chechi can you give a me a chance to assist you?

  • A December 5, 20157:46 am

    Hi Anjali,
    I’m a huge huge fan of yours since Manjadikuru. It’s my all favorite and kudos to your creative talents and thanks for etching such beautiful movies to retrospect, to introspect, to cherish and to rejoice. I realized my love for movies and all things creative very late in life, I wished there were people like you to inspire my generation to overcome the barriers of the society and do exactly what you want. Thank you for your beautiful movies, wishing that you enchant us with many more of your story-telling genius!


  • Reshma April 23, 20166:30 pm

    I don’t know how to exactly start of mostly because i have so much to say about the inspiration you are and the timeless films and characters you create. However, for a moment let’s forget about that and talk good films.
    I read this article today after a recurring dilemma struck me again today: what the hell am i going to do in life? This article made me push away my assignment deadlines and take some time to watch the film ‘Monsoon Wedding’. I’m speechless after the film but not in an ‘woah’ type of way but in a subtle ‘ i dont know how i feel about this but i feel something that moves me to tears’. I was literally crying in some scenes that were personal to me.
    I’m not exactly sure how but i feel like this film has silent traces in my favourite film ‘Highway’ by Imtiaz Ali. I don’t know if it’s the simultaneous feelings of both female protagonists needs to escape from their suffocating situations or if it’s the broken dreams of every child in every adult. It could also be the sudden tragicness of the entire situation as well as the complete bliss of being with someone who completes you.
    Anyways, if you do happen to read this in your spare time, please watch ‘Highway’.
    A pre-warning, it does have a touch of Bollywoodness (if that’s a word) but i promise you, the characters will live with you for a very long time.
    A lover of stories

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