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audience Tag

With and without words!

Its been a fun one month when we travelled around a few film festivals in Europe with Manjadikuru & Kerala Cafe. Fortunately both films were received very well… I really enjoy interacting with viewers who know nothing about the film/s or me or our culture because I find they leave out the diplomacy. At these fests people would come up after a screening speaking in French or German and I’d have no clue what they were saying! But amidst a lot of body language, laughter or tears (depending on which movie!) they did reach out and convey what the movie meant to them. And that leaves me with a warm and fuzzy feeling 🙂

Good cinema?

People always seem to think they know what other people want. Some people have built whole careers out of it! I have been interacting with film professionals from different countries about the kind of films that are appreciated by their local audiences. One hears many thumb rules about what will work with the audience and not. These...