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I adore Jane Campion!

Jane Campion, the maker of films like The Piano, Holy Smoke, Sweetie, Portrait of a Lady, is the Jury Chairperson of the MAMI festival.

It makes me ECSTATIC because she is one of my top fav’ filmmakers! My post graduation entrance exam asked for an essay on a filmmaker’s work and I wrote about her film ‘The Piano’ 🙂

In 2006, at the International Film festival of India in Goa- she was screening Holy Smoke. Meeting her there is one moment I will always cherish. Dressed in a simple skirt with two pigtails and the warmest smile that reached out to you just like her films. I was in complete awe of her and just managed to mumble something like “I love your films!” As we spoke more, she asked me a question I will never forget.

At that stage I was beginning to make my first feature – and when I shared this with her she asked me “Have you prepared yourself?” Surprised that she was curious, I promptly rattled off that half the money was in place, the script was int he 8th draft, the casting was happening etc. Gently, she interrupted me and said – “no… I mean have you prepared yourself?”  I stared at her not understanding what she meant.

woman, where art thou?

Jayakrishnan of jaykayu@rediffmail.com posted a comment on this blog on 17.1.2010: Thanks a lot for Happy Journey. It was wonderful – my favorite from Kerala Cafe. I hope upcoming artists like you can answer the foreign delegate at IFFK who asked “Where have all the Malayali women directors gone?”. All the best! Thank you...

Who teaches whom?

Its that time of year when people turn to film appreciation, with two-three major fests in India and so much debate/discussion on the worth of 'good cinema'. Over the next 10 days, am designing a filmmaking workshop for women and attending another workshop where am supposed to handle the segment on Short Films...