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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
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10 years of Bangalore Days

10 years of Bangalore Days - never did we imagine this film would receive so much love for so long. Sharing a peek into our journey. Circa 2013  I share an idea with Anwar and he says - “if you direct it, I will produce it.” His first film as a producer. My first commercial...

Kalyani Menon

Possibly one of the best things about art and artistes is the capacity to reach out and touch people they have never met. Their art transcends space and time and urges us to connect to them individually. And continues to remain with us much after they have moved on to the next phase....

Nameless & Shameless

The Survivor of a sexual assault survives not just bodily harm and deep psychological trauma but also the clamping of her identity. Her name isn't mentioned, her face isn't published and her voice remains largely unheard. At this stage many people succumb to weakness and trauma and choose to disappear. But a rare...

Learning the right things

Since the lockdown, the more privileged among us are at home. Safe in our oysters and leading life from day to day with our families, within four walls of an apartment or a house. We have come back to the basic organisational unit - the family. The molecule of society. In this world of...