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My Blog

Thank you for your madness!

"Oh my gawd, they're loving it!!!" "am getting goosebumps reading the reviews" "party party PARTY!" "i didnt get tickets coz it was housefull - and that makes me very happy!" "WOOHOO!" (and there was this one guy who called me and was quiet - a few fumbled words later, I figured he couldn't stop smiling!) These are responses I...

My first release – Happy Journey in Kerala Cafe

For the first time in my life, a film I made is being released today. A film called Kerala Cafe. A 63 print release in Kerala. 10 directors to share the excitement and anxiety with. What exactly am I feeling besides the butterflies in my tummy?!!! The closest approximation I can make is the kind...


I have yet to figure why anyone would be interested in what I have to blog, so this is an experiment dedicated to friends of mine who seem to think otherwise! *"Like a bird on a wire, like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free. Like a worm...