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With and without words!

Its been a fun one month when we travelled around a few film festivals in Europe with Manjadikuru & Kerala Cafe. Fortunately both films were received very well… I really enjoy interacting with viewers who know nothing about the film/s or me or our culture because I find they leave out the diplomacy. At these fests people would come up after a screening speaking in French or German and I’d have no clue what they were saying! But amidst a lot of body language, laughter or tears (depending on which movie!) they did reach out and convey what the movie meant to them. And that leaves me with a warm and fuzzy feeling 🙂

Football Frenzy!

[gallery link="file"] One of the deepest human bonding exercises – nope, am not talking spirituality or karma but SPORT! So how does it feel now that the world cup football nights are over? I am always amazed at how effectively a black and white ball can fly across boundaries of all kinds! Complete strangers cheer...