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Recently I took up a different kind of detox. I switched off my mobile phone. For 10 days. And it was the best gift I gave myself in a looooong time! It took me a couple of days to lose the urge to keep checking my phone for calls, messages or reminders or the...

Down memory lane…

There is a new tv commercial for a lemon soft drink - it reminds a chap of  gully cricket as a kid and homemade nimbupani. How often does this happen to us? A smell, a texture, a taste, an old song that catapults us down memory lane to a different time. Everyone has things...

Good cinema?

People always seem to think they know what other people want. Some people have built whole careers out of it! I have been interacting with film professionals from different countries about the kind of films that are appreciated by their local audiences. One hears many thumb rules about what will work with the audience and not. These...