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Time for change. Time to change.

The Nirbhaya incident changed something inside many of us. I think it shook up our hopes and belief in an equal opportunity world. I remember feeling so angry yet so helpless as violations seemed to surface all around me. Violation of one person by another. Of space, of body, of mind, of respect, of...

Kavalam Narayana Panikkar Sir

I found myself bereft of words. Unable to even write a tribute but the truth is - he doesn’t need anyone else’s words. His own words will keep him alive forever. Kavalam Narayana Panikkar. I first met him as a newbie writer with her screenplay. A typical film-school-product I was probably too clear about the...

Hats off to Nair Sir

"So when did you decide to become a filmmaker?" I do not have this one eureka moment where such a decision was made. While I was at Pune University doing my post-grad in Communication Studies, we used to go to the National Film Archive of India for screenings of splendid films - Indian...

Bangalore Naatkal

On the day Bangalore Days released, I put up a Facebook post “Our Bangalore Days are now yours”, and luckily the audience did actually make the film their own. :-) Over the past few weeks I have received so many messages and questions about my thoughts on the adaptation/remake of BD. An adaptation is...