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Homemade bliss

Lilies, roses, daisies and tulsi bloom in our balcony. In other corners of the house there are money plants and the christmassy poinsettia...

Pending coffee…

As a student filmmaker there are many things you shamelessly do to save on the budget… one of them is hunt for free food for the crew. You can get folks to work for free on a film set but you gotta feed them well! Our film school was at Covent Garden, London...

Treasure is everywhere

What intrigues you about a person you have just met? Is it the way they look? The way they speak? What they say? How they think? How they make you feel? How similar/different they are to/from you? A combination of all these boils down to plain ol' chemistry… doesn't it? :-) But besides that aren't there times when you meet...