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Outsiders Insiders

The other day a lady called NURA wrote to me mentioning that she felt alienated from her own culture because she was an "unfortunate NRI".  She felt that she was judged even before she spoke.[Reference http://anjalimenon.wordpress.com/2009/09/27/barack-obama-david-letterman/#comments] It can be quite a predicament when one has lived in multiple cities and countries and identifies with different...


This month my calendar has a lot of red marks - each of them indicate deadlines and right now February looks like a floral rangoli pattern!! How is it that the universe conspires to bring all the things on at the same time? Thank you for all the responses to the posts! Am actually...

woman, where art thou?

Jayakrishnan of jaykayu@rediffmail.com posted a comment on this blog on 17.1.2010: Thanks a lot for Happy Journey. It was wonderful – my favorite from Kerala Cafe. I hope upcoming artists like you can answer the foreign delegate at IFFK who asked “Where have all the Malayali women directors gone?”. All the best! Thank you...